Friday, June 25, 2010


Aquila the EagleAQUILA the Eagle is a constellation studded with lots of planetary nebulae and a few star clusters. The brightest star is Altair; since it has a magnitude that is less than 1 it is very bright. Aquila borders Delphinus (the Dolphin), Hercules, Ophiuchus (the Serpent Carrier), Sagitta (the Arrow), and Scutum (the Shield). Now you know more about Aquila!

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Blog Background

The background has three Hubble Space Telescope images:

— LH 95 is a star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Dorado constellation.

— Ant Nebula (also called Menzel 3) is an aptly-named planetary nebula located in the constellation Norma.

— Egg Nebula (also called CL 2688) is a protoplanetary nebula in the constellation Cygnus.