— Updated January 2019 (Calabash, Eagle, and Pacman nebulae)
Know of a fascinating nebula or star-forming region that I have not mentioned yet? Please feel free to leave a comment with your suggestion!
Diffuse, Emission, & Reflection Nebulae

This bubble-like emission nebula is found in Cassiopeia and located not too far west of Cepheus.
Click the image to view it larger.
Image source: Hubblesite.org; Other credits: Hubble Heritage Team (↗), AURA (↗), STScI (↗), and NASA (↗)
Larger image resolutions from Hubblesite (↗)
Cocoon Nebula - IC 5146 and Caldwell 19
Constellation: Cygnus | NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (↗)
Cone Nebula - part of NGC 2264
Constellation: Monoceros | NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (↗)
Crab Nebula - M1 and NGC 1952
Constellation: Taurus
Eagle Nebula - M16 and NGC 6611
Constellation: Serpens
Heart Nebula - IC 1805; brightest section known as NGC 896
Constellation: Cassiopeia
Lagoon Nebula - M8 and NGC 6523
Constellation: Sagittarius | Hubblesite (↗)
Orion Nebula - M42 and NGC 1976
Constellation: Orion
Pacman Nebula - IC 11 and NGC 281
Constellation: Cassiopeia
Statue of Liberty Nebula - NGC 3576
Constellation: Carina | NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (↗)

Swan (Omega) Nebula - M17 and NGC 6618
Constellation: Sagittarius
Trifid Nebula - M20 and NGC 6514
Constellation: Sagittarius
Witch Head Nebula - IC 2118 - near Rigel, the 0.18-magnitude star
Constellation: Orion

M43 - NGC 1982
Constellation: Orion
Protoplanetary (Preplanetary) Nebulae
Calabash Nebula - Rotten Egg Nebula
Constellation: Puppis | ESA/Hubble (↗)
Egg Nebula - CRL 2688 and RAFGL 2688
Constellation: Cygnus | Hubblesite (↗)
Planetary Nebulae
Ant Nebula - Mz (Menzel) 3
Constellation: Norma | Hubblesite (↗)
Cat's Eye Nebula - NGC 6543
Constellation: Draco
Dumbbell Nebula - M27 and NGC 6853
Constellation: Vulpecula | Hubblesite (↗)
Helix Nebula - NGC 7293
Constellation: Aquarius
Owl Nebula - M97 and NGC 3587
Constellation: Ursa Major | NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (↗)
Ring Nebula - M57 and NGC 6720
Constellation: Lyra | Hubblesite (↗)
Amazing Astronomy blog post (↗)
Star-Forming Regions that are not nebulae

This highly-productive wonder is a star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. It is located in the constellation Dorado (the Swordfish).
Click the image to view it larger.
Image source: Hubblesite.org; Other credits: Hubble Heritage Team (↗), AURA (↗), ESA (↗), STScI (↗), and NASA (↗) | Larger image sizes from Hubblesite (↗)