Sunday, November 12, 2017

Horologium Constellation

Horologium Constellation Map — Amazing Astronomy website

Originally named Horologium Oscillitorium by French astronomer Abbé Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1752, HOROLOGIUM the Clock was named in honor of the pendulum clock, invented in 1656 by Dutch astronomer and inventor Christiaan Huygens. This Southern Hemisphere constellation is quite difficult to see even with clear skies but is known for its vast array of galaxies and several notable variable stars. Neighboring constellations include Caelum, Dorado, Eridanus, Hydrus, and Reticulum.

Home to over 300,000 total galaxies, the Horologium Supercluster gives advanced-telescope users the chance to witness over 30 galaxies with visible magnitudes of 17 or brighter (lower). Prominent galaxies in Horologium include NGC (New Messier Catalogue) 1433, NGC 1448, and NGC 1512. According to the Constellation Guide website (↗), exoplanets are known to orbit three stars in Horologium as of the year 2017: Iota Horologii (ι), HD 27631, and TYC 8068-01208-1 (WASP-120). Iota Horologii is marked with a Greek letter ι (iota) in the constellation map above, while HD 27631 and TYC 8068-01208-1 are located near Alpha Horologii (α) in the northwestern section of Horologium. Variable star R Horologii (HD 18242) is known for displaying one of the widest ranges of brightness of all stars in the night sky. R Horologii's apparent or visible magnitude varies from about 4.00 to 14.30.

Image Credit
A3128 of the Horologium Supercluster: An Atlas of the Universe (↗)

Brightest Star: Alpha Horologii (α), 3.85 or 3.86 apparent magnitude

2nd-Brightest Star: R Horologii, 4.00-14.30 apparent magnitude
or Delta Horologii (δ), 4.93 apparent magnitude

Galaxies: Horologium Supercluster (~300,000 deep-sky galaxies, dozens visible from Earth), NGC 1249, NGC 1411, NGC 1433, NGC 1448, NGC 1493, and NGC 1512

Globular Star Cluster: NGC 1261

Variable Stars: R Horologii, TW Horologii, and V Horologii

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Blog Background

The background has three Hubble Space Telescope images:

— LH 95 is a star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Dorado constellation.

— Ant Nebula (also called Menzel 3) is an aptly-named planetary nebula located in the constellation Norma.

— Egg Nebula (also called CL 2688) is a protoplanetary nebula in the constellation Cygnus.