Sunday, July 11, 2010

Canis Minor

Canis MinorCANIS MINOR the Little Dog is a hard-to-recognize constellation, but it is a bright constellation. The brightest star Procyon is ranked at magnitude 0.34, and Gomeisa (the second brightest star) is ranked at magnitude 2.9. There aren't as many deep-sky objects in Canis Minor as there are in Canis Major. There are 4 bordering constellations: Cancer, Gemini, Hydra, and Monoceros. Now you know more about Canis Minor!

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Blog Background

The background has three Hubble Space Telescope images:

— LH 95 is a star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Dorado constellation.

— Ant Nebula (also called Menzel 3) is an aptly-named planetary nebula located in the constellation Norma.

— Egg Nebula (also called CL 2688) is a protoplanetary nebula in the constellation Cygnus.