Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Astronomers Help Make Starlink Satellites Dimmer in the Sky

With comments from astronomers concerning the brightness of Starlink satellites, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is seeking to change how bright the SpaceX division's satellites show up in the night sky — and therefore photographs, some of which have included distracting white streaks caused by the orbiting devices. Musk presented a solution using darker, anti-reflecting material known as DarkSat, but this would likely require a sun visor — aptly nicknamed VisorSat — because the device might heat up from the dark surfaces absorbing solar radiation. Michael Sheetz's CNBC article (↗) from today provides more details about the innovation that can occur from a science community's suggestions.

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Blog Background

The background has three Hubble Space Telescope images:

— LH 95 is a star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Dorado constellation.

— Ant Nebula (also called Menzel 3) is an aptly-named planetary nebula located in the constellation Norma.

— Egg Nebula (also called CL 2688) is a protoplanetary nebula in the constellation Cygnus.